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trademark registration


trademark search

What is a trademark search for?

A trademark search is useful, first of all, to find out if the name or symbol you have chosen is already registered in the jurisdiction of your interest since it is not possible to register identical, or even similar trademarks that seek to market the same type of goods or services.

On the other hand, the trademark you have chosen could be subject to other grounds for refusal, such as being descriptive, generic, lacking originality, offensive, or containing exclusively non-registrable elements, such as geographical locations or protected designations of origin.

IMPORTANT: The trademark search does not include the registration fee. The prices below are exclusively for the preparation of a report providing the opinion of our lawyers. To apply directly for registration, please go to the "trademark registration" tab at the top of this page.

Many people believe that protecting a trademark is only about registering a name and that this automatically prevents use anywhere in the world, for any type of product or service: nothing could be further from the truth. A trademark is protected exclusively in the jurisdiction where you register it, for the goods or services you wish to specify. These goods and services are classified and grouped into 45 classes, according to their category, and make up what is known as the Nice Classification, established in 1957 by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

How do you find out which class your goods or services belong to?

There are several online search engines, through which you can identify the class number you need to register. , you can perform a search by entering key words. Keep in mind that, depending on the variety of goods or services you offer under your trademark, you may need to register more than one class, which increases the price of the optional search and subsequent registration. If you need help in identifying the class or classes, you can write to us at

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